DALI | App based Building Management

DALI | App based Building Management

client: Lunatone Industrielle Elektronik GmbH

We are developing several iOS and Android apps for Lunatone.

DALI Touch

DALI Touchpanel is an operating and control unit with freely configurable keys. It features a multi-functional touch panel to control DALI systems, offering a choice of various preset functions. E.g. control of different light groups, using predefined lighting scenes or direct control of color and brightness.

We have developed a Bluetooth 4.0 extension to the DALI Touchpanel, enabling the user to comfortably remote control DALI systems with a mobile App.

Links: iOS App, Android App

DALI Daylight

DALI Daylight enables you to control Lunatone DALI devices:

  • automatic display of available DALI devices
  • direct control of brightness and color temperature
  • automatic brightness regulation based on daylight curve
  • setting of color schedules (circadian light)

Links: iOS App, Android App


DALI NFC introduces a simple and straightforward way to setup and configure DALI devices via near-field communication (NFC). It allows you to:

  • readout device settings
  • setup DALI address and groups
  • configure device specific settings
One key advantage of NFC is, that the mobile device can both supply power to and communicate with an otherwise unpowered and passive DALI device using radio waves.

Link: Android App

DALI Finder

DALIFinder is a convenient mapping tool that can be used to simplify the process of assigning DALI-addresses of multiple luminaries to their spacial location.

Links: iOS App, Android App